Breastfeeding in Public: Tips for Nursing with Confidence

Breastfeeding in Public: Tips for Nursing with Confidence

Are you a loud and proud breastfeeder or tend to have a more modest approach? Either way, when duty calls - or your baby screams - you gotta do what you gotta do! Although the laws vary by state, all states allow for breastfeeding in public so it is always within your right to do so. Here are some tips for confidently nursing in public:



Of course, the good ol’ nursing bra has become your must-wear for everything but date night, but you can also dress in a way that makes nursing both easily accessible and discreet if that’s what you’re going for. For example, wearing a nursing tank top under your top makes it easy to only expose your nipple while feeding. There are also tons of cute and trendy options now with zippers and layers that may be a good option for you! Tops that wrap can also provide easy access to whipping out a boob at a moment’s notice. Or, of course, if your baby doesn’t mind, there are a variety of covers that can do the job.



There are many “sling”-style options for babywearing that can also double as a comfortable and discreet way of breastfeeding. You may need to slightly adjust the angle of your baby, or reposition the sling, but it can even make it so that you can walk and feed with barely anyone noticing! As always, make sure you read the manufacturer’s notes on this method before trying it.



If you aren’t modest and don’t mind, breastfeeding in the open with no cover is a perfectly acceptable choice! If you aren’t confident YET but want to become bolder, find some inspiration online or on social media. There are a lot of people posting confident pictures of themselves. All you have to do is try, and the more you do it, it’s likely the more comfortable you’ll feel. You can always prep a zinger like “Why don’t you mind your own meal” for anyone who dares to make a comment or stare too long.



If you’re more into a quiet and private area - or if your nosy baby needs it! - there are lots to be found! Even busy places like amusement parks, airports, and shopping malls tend to have areas that you can tuck into. Look up the place ahead of time, many of them have information online or at least a number you can call to ask. The same as practicing bold feeding, the more you research and ask the question, the more confident you’ll become.



Don’t forget: feeding your baby as openly or as discreetly as you want is your RIGHT! If you’re trying to build your confidence, try telling yourself these affirmations while you’re feeding:

  • I’m proud to feed my baby on demand.

  • I am in sync with my baby and their hunger cues.

  • My baby deserves to eat whenever and wherever they get hungry.

  • I love providing my baby with nourishment no matter where we are.


How do you confidently breastfeed in public? What makes you feel comfortable and confident while you’re out and about feeding your baby? We’d love to hear your tips, too! Email us at with yours!


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