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Kids Say the Darndest Things

Guess what is coming back in 2021? Kids Say the Darndest Things with Tiffany Haddish as host and we can’t wait. Mom stories from the playground…So, the other day I had this conversation with my three-year-old.

Lily: “I wish I had a different mommy.” Me: “Why?” Lily: “Because you’re not that pretty and I want my mommy to be really super pretty.” Me: “Aww, that makes me feel sad.” Lily: “Why?” Me: “Because I like being your mommy.” Lily: (clearly trying to make me feel better, but really just digging the hole deeper) “Well, I like it too…just not that much.”

Kids Say Darndest ThingsKids say the darndest things, right? Luckily, we were having a pretty good day so I just laughed it off, but there have been days when I know this would have sent me to tears. I know, I know, she’s three, she doesn’t mean that she actually wishes she had a different mom. But when you spend day in and day out pouring your heart, soul, energy, sleep, everything into this little person and she wants another mom…. some days it doesn’t seem so funny!Another Bessie’s Mom shared her story of her five year old Parker - similar punch line, different angle. Both left an impact on Mom.We were driving to Kindergarten and Parker was in the backseat. I had a meeting for work so I blew dry my hair, earrings and make-up,  I was “dressed to impress” My typical days are yoga pants, buns and no make-up - so I looked very different, especially for a 5 year old.

Parker: “You should make up your face more often. You look so different.” Me: “Oh! OK....  Well, what do I look like without makeup?” Parker: “You just look like a mom. But today you look beautiful.”

Whether it’s Lily or Parker - I think it’s safe to say our kids notice when we ‘dress up’. Just like we feel good, so do our kiddos.  In the end it’s not about ‘being pretty’ rather it’s about taking the time to get dolled up, be fancy - even if you stay home. Do it for you, for them, for your significant other!So whether your kid is telling you they love or hate your hair, they love you or are mad at you at that moment- just know they are trying to express a feeling without a filter. They do not mean to hurt your feelings - remember they love you, unconditionally.And for now you are collecting funny stories to share when they are old enough to appreciate them and one day when they too are in your shoes.  What is your best “kids say the darndest things…” moment so far? Will you be tuning in to the reboot this year?