The New Mom’s Guide to Lactation Treats

No doubt that as a breastfeeding mom, you are HUNGRY. Like a deep, alarming sense of hunger that you’ve never experienced before -maybe not even in pregnancy! Did you know that nursing moms burn calories just producing breastmilk? In fact, most doctors recommend an extra 400-500 calories a day to help you maintain your milk supply and properly nourish your body. As a nursing mother, have you felt the hunger?

Make those extra calories count!

Lactation treats, such as cookies, granola, pumpkin bread, or pretzels, are a fabulous way to help you ensure that you’re not only taking in extra calories but also eating the types of foods that will help to boost your milk supply.

Bessie’s lactation products all contain brewer’s yeast and flax seeds, two extremely healthy ingredients for anyone, but particularly useful for lactating moms. Why? Because brewer’s yeast and flax seeds are known galactagogues - or ingredients that help to support or increase milk supply. In addition, our cookies are packed with oats, another known and popular galactagogue. Did you know that our cookies contain NO FLOUR? Each cookie is an oat punch, which is why it is so chewy with a great texture but also makes sure that those extra needed calories are getting both the nutrition and the milk-supply support that you want out of a lactation treat.

We incorporate other galactagogues such as pumpkin, apricots, coconut, garlic, and dill - again, all delicious and nutritious but also helpful for your milk supply.

Which is your favorite go-to lactation treat? What kind of lactation treat would you like to see from Bessie’s next? Be sure to let us know - email us at or message us through our Facebook or Instagram!


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Introducing New Ranch Pretzels to Bessie's Best Lactation Treats Lineup