
Flying And TSA While Pumping

By |2023-02-17T08:33:41-05:00July 1st, 2022|Pumping|

With the COVID restrictions slowing down and air travel increasing, there is no doubt that you may have plans to fly in your future. As if getting through airport security and TSA isn’t stressful enough, now you’re a breastfeeding and pumping mom who is trying to fly with breastmilk. You may have seen a recent story about a woman who was forced to let her milk go bad due to TSA’s misunderstanding of the policies [...]

Unlocking The Mystery of Breastmilk Colors

By |2023-02-17T08:25:15-05:00April 7th, 2022|Breastfeeding, Pumping|

  It can be alarming the first time you pump an odd colored breastmilk! Did you know that breastmilk can come in a RAINBOW of hues? It can - and it's totally normal! But maybe you're wondering why this happens. Seeing expressed milk any color other than the white we see sold in the grocery store can be a shock. The truth is that breastmilk can run a gamut of colors and hues. It is [...]

Oh the Places You’ll Pump

By |2021-02-17T16:20:27-05:00July 1st, 2020|Pumping|

Like many moms, my goal was to breastfeed!  When my son was born I was determined to exclusively breastfeed him. I was very lucky to have a 14 week maternity leave. Despite having some early breastfeeding challenges, that time at home was a big help in getting to a good place before heading back to work. I did everything I could to prepare for continuing to breastfeed while at work.  I’m one of the lucky [...]


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